Category Archives: we

affordable art

You know how many times you went to this art shop and you wanted to buy those beautiful paintings or printed art but then you ended up not buying one. Well, I do appreciate the work of an artist but for this time being I can not afford millions rupiahs for one work of art. 

So, here’s what I did. I bought a set of blank cards from this talented artist, Inez Tiara, and I put it in a frame. Tadaa! It’s nice to have this beautiful little thing in our living room. Well, I hope one day I can have a bigger art of Inez (and some of my favorite artists).Image

her little playground

i’m planning to set a little playground for my girl. we haven’t set her own room so i decided to use our living room. i simply put a mat on our carpet and a circus tent he bought at IKEA. spread a few of her toys and things that she could play with. 

a good friend of mine, fika and her daughter, Raddin, were coming to our house last weekend. sssh, she’s one of talented and creative people i’ve ever met. she used to paint her canvas shoes with these rainbow colors back then at college. now she has this baby headband online store named after her daughter, Radrad. it was really cute to see her and Radrad played together! 







satu tahun satu bulan

sudah satu tahun satu bulan sejak hari sabtu pagi itu. saya bangun pukul empat pagi untuk dirias sekitar satu jam kemudian. jika bicara apa yang dirasakan saat itu, mungkin hanya bisa menjawab “pasrah, insyaallah lancar semuanya.”. Sekitar pukul delapan resmi melepas titel “Ms.”.

Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan resepsi pernikahan esok malamnya. meski diadakan di gedung dan dihadiri sekitar delapan ratus tamu, kami mencoba untuk menghadirkan suasana lebih hangat dengan ornamen yang terkesan ringan dan lebih banyak menggunakan warna muda seperti putih dan krem. Musikpun dipilih dengan seksama, musisi-musisi yang juga teman suami dan satu lagi band favorit kami berdua, The Trees and The Wild. Di akhir resepsi, suami memberikan kejutan dengan mendatangkan band yang saya cinta selama ini, Floatproject (dulu bernama Float). It was the best gift ever!


pernikahan nike & yudha | akad: bintaro, resepsi: gedung aneka tambang | dekorasi: rolas decor | dokumentasi: erick dc